Mom’s Story

 A Little Background I love my mom. She is kind, generous, funny, not afraid to speak her mind, and wickedly talented when it comes to sewing. As a child she would tell me often that she was NOT my friend; she was my mother. But as an adult I can honestly say she’s one of […]

Chicago Soup Kitchen

The stress of life  Hi, my name is Becky Dach and my health journey has transformed my life. When I was 20 I was a full time volunteer at a soup kitchen and homeless shelter in Chicago. This Texas girl was lonely, lacked confidence, and used food to soothe her insecurities. I had unlimited access […]

The Three Pillars for Change

Searching for Health Imagine for a moment that you are living in the body of your dreams.  No aches or pains, you look and feel great, you are confident, energetic, clear-headed, with absolutely no food cravings. How does this feel? Can you see it? How would your life be different? What goals could you achieve […]

You Are Stronger Than You Think

Not Adding Up I’ve been homeschooling my kids for years. For many of those years I simply used an at home curriculum where my kids would read the textbook, do the problems, check their answers, and then take the test. This worked for us, but due to the need for socialization and a classroom setting, […]

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