The stress of life
Hi, my name is Becky Dach and my health journey has transformed my life. When I was 20 I was a full time volunteer at a soup kitchen and homeless shelter in Chicago. This Texas girl was lonely, lacked confidence, and used food to soothe her insecurities. I had unlimited access to leftover pizzas, pastries, yogurt, cakes, pies and more.
“… used food to soothe insecurities…trapped in a vicious cycle”
I remember eating so much one night that I literally had to crawl to my bed. I would wake up in the morning and run for 1-2 hrs; all the while scolding myself for being a slob, promising myself that today was different, and I’d just fast all day today to make up for last night’s binge. My plan failed over and over again until I found myself trapped in a vicious cycle of broken promises, resulting in shattered self-trust.
Had to make a change
I remember having a sobering moment one night before we served dinner to our guests. We gathered in the courtyard for prayer before the meal and one of the guests stumbled in intoxicated. As I watched the priest talk to him and lovingly inform him that, per our policy, he was not allowed inside, it hit me; he and I were suffering from the same plight; we were just addicted to different drugs. I’d like to say that in this one moment the heavens opened, a beautiful light surrounded me, and I was immediately cured. However, that is not how it went down.
Invite God In
I begged God daily to free me from this prison and I actually decided to end my volunteer term early. God is faithful. He cares about all of our struggles; even our health struggles.
“… I have found answers, and I am living in freedom and joy today …”
My health journey has been a long road spanning the last 20 years of my life, but I am thrilled to tell you that there is hope, that I have found answers, and I am living in freedom and joy today. I am utterly passionate about sharing these answers with you.